Sarah is 19 years old and currently works at Columbia Bank in Fife as a teller. She attends Pierce College as a full time student at night. She plans on majoring in education with a minor in Spanish and a Masters in teaching. Sarah loves to spend time with friends and family and most of all with the love of her life, Brett.


Brett is 22 years old and is working for Renewal Construction. He is also a full-time student at Pierce College. He plans on majoring in computing and software systems at University of Washington. Brett loves to hang out with the guys, play sports, work on his computer and spend time with his Princess (Sarah).


They met through going to the same church. Sarah's little brother brought Brett over for dinner since Brett was his new best friend...and that's how it all began... Before they knew it, they became best friends. As they became closer and closer, their love grew deeper and deeper... And that was only the beginning!!!

Although everyone knew the engagement was coming, Brett still succeeded at surprising Sarah. He showed up when she was working because it was raining and he couldn't work in the rain. Once Sarah's boss saw Brett walk in, she told Sarah to go ahead and take the rest of the day off because there wasn't that much work to do. (Of course, this was all planned between Brett and the boss but this is what Sarah was told.) Sarah then hopped into Brett's car and they tried to determine what they would do the rest of the day.

Then, Sarah's mom conveniently called and mentioned that they should go up to North Bend and do some shopping that Sarah had wanted to do. (Sarah's mom was in on the whole thing.) So, Sarah turned to Brett and told him she wanted to go to North bend. To make it realistic, he told her all the reasons they shouldn't go and how it was a far drive. (All along Brett was planning on proposing at Snoqualmie Falls by North Bend). Eventually Sarah convinced him into taking her shopping at North Bend.

After they finished shopping, Brett mentioned that they should go to the Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls to eat lunch. Sarah thought it was a little expensive at first but she was easily convinced when she started thinking about how much fun they had the last time they were there.

After lunch Sarah suggested they go and look at the falls and that is where Brett proposed. Then they went home and joyfully told everyone their good news, on October 19, 2001.

Their wedding date is scheduled for April 20, 2002 at 2:00PM. Their wedding will take place at Puyallup Foursquare Church in Washington.

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